Baal's Journal

>>>>I apologize if I have missed anyone here and if this little bit of Baal's story seems strange and difficult to understand. I have sadly let his story rest far too long and have forgotten many important things. I am sorry for this as there are a great many deer I wished to add here, but sadly I have failed in that. If you do remember a pertinent point to Baal's story that you think I should add, by all means tell me. I would like to place more of the amazing characters of the forest into his tale.
>>>>Only mild violence follows. This is a strange and convoluted dream sequence. Did not leave much room for gratuitous gore and violence. XD

The mist is growing...Drawing ever closer to my unwilling form. I have run from it, hidden within the open hills of the land they call playground. I have ducked beneath dark waters but still it haunts me. There seems little I can do to stop it. I have begun to wonder if there is even a point to my trying.

I am certainly a fool to think I can.

I lay upon the icy earth, feeling the needles of grass blade their malicious way into bruised flesh. My own fault. I have no right to feel sorrows for my pains. I deserve every spearing burn, every stinging rip.

A great sigh tears through me, drawing a soft whistle from the face that is not mine. A face I grow weary of. A pity I do not have the means to remove it. Let them all see what rests beneath still waters. I am no longer afraid.

No. No longer. I can only crave them. Crave their warmth, their...companionship. Need them in ways they will never need me. Alone in my sorrows and pains.

So alone...

Curling upon the hardened earth I can barely restrain the bitter cold of loneliness cutting through me. Tearing me apart slowly, a vicious child taking joy in my misery. This great that it is, plays only a mere shadow to the agony of my own failure. A failure I can stand no longer!

But what point is there in caring any longer? I will not be trusted again, not by any of them. No matter how blind they are to what lays within the dank reaches of my mind. I will never have my chance again. I will be left to merely rot away. Murdered from within by the darkly growing procession of it's need.

A shudder cuts through me, drawing red from wounds long healed. I care not. I am far too weary for all of this. I have been here to long. The dark things are calling and it is my name dripping from their bloodstained lips.

The world is silent, only the pale ghosts of cervine forms flit through the trees. They are far from me and I am tired. So tired. I cast not even a shadow of concern upon the mists creeping presence, slowly drawing me from this place and into the dark world of dreams.

A thunder of hooves. I am awake, torn body aching but resting no longer. They are coming!

Hooves pounding, earth tearing, I run. Only moments whip past before a realization that something is very wrong cuts through me.

Why am I running? There should be none chasing me now... I slow, hooves thudding softly in the loamy earth. I do not understand. The mists are darker, deeper. I am alone.

I am wrong.

Red eyed demons ripping through. The mists flashing in ragged tatters about bladed hooves. My heart thunders in time with those hooves and I am off!

I run. This is wrong...

I run faster. This is terribly wrong!

They have caught me! From every corner, from every darkling shadow they come and I know. I know them all. Their faces are a familiar pain to me. I have played this game before.

One, the great stag that had hunted me, tearing into me at every chance his violent minions all about, he is one I shall not forget. One who turned on his own fellows for the chance to win against a threat that never was.

And I am there...

I stumble, bewildered at the shock of change. No longer am I running. No. Now I stand tall, deadly comrades about me and we are on the hunt. This is wrong, all wrong. But I can not stop my hooves as they lead me forward, into darker mists than before. Into pale shapes and deadly spears.

Another face I know. Another stag, one who holds a darker place in my heart than any other. My rage is quick, molten hot. I leap for him, surging through the panicked throng. I want only him and he is there! Hooves flash, red splashes the earth and I am alone...

Again my hooves betray me, casting me into quicksilver waters. I am again within the company of the deadly stag and one other. A darker fellow than even I would claim to be... I am confused, I know them both. They have wreaked havoc and misery by my very side, but they are ones who stand by me no longer. Why am I back here?

The great stag stands. There is a doe. I know well what shall follow his betraying steps. I know it even as my own hooves draw me forward and into violence. We are three and she can not escape us. We kick at her, ram her. Tear the very flesh from her bones. Our mercy has faltered, failed her. I strike again upon her hide, quivering with the bitter agonies we dealt her...and again I stand alone.

I do not falter now. I know what has become of me. I roam deep within the dark corners of my own mind and there is no beauty here.

None. Until I see her...

A doe of light, of brilliance. How she pleads with me to stop this, to step away. I do not understand until I see them, paler forms upon misted earth. I know this too and I do not fight it. I do as the gentle beauty pleads. I run.

Shame fills me. A doe? A DOE!? What has become of me that I let something of so little cause lead me from my wants...

And again I find myself at the gentle mercies of a doe. A delicate beauty of vast plumage. Again I am led away. Away from my intentions.

Only to be dropped to the lowest of the groveling worms as I find myself, battered and beaten within the mighty oak with only a doe to protect me. The shame is great but I will not deny my need of her, not here in this terrible place. Not within the inky confines of my own mind.

But a doe... Why a doe? I longed greatly for the presence of the mighty rotten beast of a stag who had stood nobly by my side not too long before. Anything but these does! I am a monster yes, but even I have pride.

A doe...

Perhaps it is not shame that is being brought upon me, but truth. Reason, a thing long gone from this cold twisted soul.

A doe...

It was a doe who brought me crumbling to my knees. A doe who cast me before enemies. A doe who began it all...

Perhaps it is a doe that shall save me?

A thundering of hooves draws me leaping from the abyss. I no longer feel the sting of my injuries. No. I have purpose again. Dark deeds shall return to this place, and it is I who shall bring them.

>>>I tend to never re-read these once I start writing so if points do not make sense or seem out of place, my apologies. >< 

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