Sometimes I sit, watch and wait. I've lost my way. My purpose. How often do I look back, wishing I had done something different? Wishing I had stayed away?

Wishing I had never existed at all?

Too often. Far too often. Not that wishes will do any good. They will never change what has been done. They will never end what I began.

They will never bring you back...

Sometimes I dream that I am not alone. Sometimes you are there. Resting, quiet and comforting. Warm by my side. There to reassure, there to speak kind words. Just...


At those moments, I can only hope to never wake again. If dreams could last a lifetime then I would give them mine.

But...too often I find that sleep must end. Again and again treasured moments, blissful, precious moments, they all must end.

Again and again...

Sometimes when I wake, I am not alone. Sometimes, just sometimes a kind soul, an old friend, will be found. Laying by my side. A poor imitation but more often than not a welcome kindness.

Why? I ask myself often. What good have I done them? What reason have I given for their actions?


I lost my way long ago. I strayed upon a path laden in death. Painted in red... I lost my way...and yet...

There are those who still guide me. If not with words at least in action. There are those who I still call friend. Fewer now, but they remain. Many have gone, but they, the few, remain.

I do not know many names my little rose, even fewer I would speak with kindness, even less I would ask for this thing I must beg of you.

Days never change, but they feel so short now. I know my journey will end.


She is one of the only precious things left to me in this lonely world. One of the only that hold me back. that I would...miss...

I can only ask little one, if I am to leave, I ask you. Beg you! Watch over this last special thing. This last gentle soul. She is delicate little one, fragile. And though I know she has a guardian of her own it would lift a great burden from this worn soul to know she would have you to watch and guide her.

Ah, if only I could tell her how much I treasure her. Her friendship. The simple knowledge that she cares. If only little rose. If only...

Never the matter my poor words. over her. Kaoori may be the last friend I will have left when I finally leave this lonely world.

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